
Scotland. The morning after the night before, but without the hangover.

Steven Park BECG

Written by

Steven Park


This morning felt significantly different from previous elections, for one, I had a good night’s sleep. There was no all-night TV viewing, no Professor John Curtice and his near cult status analysis, and no excitement of reporters cutting away to town halls to announce results, and most importantly, no exit polls!!This was up there with the disappointment of not being able to watch the Dons at Pittodrie this season or attending any of the six nations games at Murrayfield. But this last year has proven that nothing remains constant or does it.

There is always a sense that the next elections are more important than the last, and I can certainly sense that with yesterday’s election. The key question being will the SNP gain a majority thus providing a platform for the First Minister to seek to dictate the future direction of Scotland? Or will they need to look to their allies, such as their Green friends to support their Manifesto? If the latter, what may they have to concede to get their support?

Whilst Constituency vote counting won’t start until this morning (48 of the 73 constituencies expected to be announced today), with full results of the 129 seats possibly not known till late into Saturday or early Sunday, the early results from today could prove crucial. Will the SNP maintain there hold and defend some of their marginal seats? Or indeed will the opposite start to take shape and thus put their majority at jeopardy? And will tactical voting pay off and benefit the Tories, Labour and the Greens in the Regional votes?

What is clear is that my Friday and Saturday TV viewing is sorted, and I have charged my phone to ensure I get the insightful political analysis via my various WhatsApp groups. Whilst the latter may not be as insightful as Professor John Curtice, the high turn-out shows that there is a clear passion within the people of Scotland, irrespective of political party, to play their own part in the direction of our country. What that will be? Well the next 48hrs will dictate.


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